Business Insider: Canada’s largest drugstore chain is partnering with a tech company to create an online database to track cannabis quality

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“There is a stigma around recommending cannabis to patients in Canada. While medical cannabis has been legal in Canada for 19 years, doctors still feel uncertain authorizing its use to patients. 

Shoppers Drug Mart, Canada’s largest drugstore chain, is partnering with product quality and verification testing company TruTrace to create an online database to track cannabis quality.

The goal is to collect data on cannabis products from seed to sale, including a detailed chemistry and genetics of the plant and its metabolomic signatures, to understand what types help which patients.

“There was this idea that it was going to fix everything from Parkinson’s to Alzheimer’s to osteoarthritis to multiple sclerosis, but where’s the evidence?” said Dr. Hance Clark, who’s been working with Shoppers for the past four years. “The answer is, there isn’t much. It’s all anecdotal. So then the question is, how could we do this better, how could we change the system?”…

Shoppers Drug Mart, Canada’s largest drugstore chain, is attempting to mitigate confusing guidelines and information around cannabis use with a new partnership with the California based TruTrace, which does product quality and verification testing. The two are creating a new online portal, called Medical Cannabis By Shoppers Drug Mart, accessible to both patients and doctors that will track exactly what strains of flower, how many milligrams of THC, and what kinds of chemicals are in the products…”

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